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It is medically proven that regular sunlight is necessary for our health and well-being.

With people working longer hours, using sun block due to risk of burning and lack of daylight during winter months, sunlight deprivation is having serious adverse effects on our health.

Our extraordinary sun environment, currently the first and only invention of its type in the world fully replicates natural sunlight and sunbathing. The innovation generates full spectrum sunlight with reduced UVA and UVB, full spectrum visible light and infrared heat leading to a unique new relaxing and health giving experience.

Key benefits of sun therapy include:

  • Strengthens your immune system

  • Moderate sun tanning 100% safely

  • Up to 30,000 Lux – Most effective treatment against SAD in the UK

  • Energising

  • Aids sleep

  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Soothes joints, muscle aches and pains

  • Relief from fibromyalgia and arthritis

  • Deeply relaxing and warming

Real Sunlight Benefits.png

” Light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.”

Ecclesiastes 11:7

Call 020 7486 2196 to book an appointment or email us for more information.

Contact us 

8 Upper Wimpole Street, London, W1G 6LH    

T:  020 7486 2196   


Company Registration Number 6016289 | Registered in England & Wales 

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